Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rogue River Assembly Of God Heroes: Cliff Leidecker

I'm really enjoying blogging about the heroes of our church!
This time I want to praise the amazing Cliff!
He has served on my church board since I walked back in the door almost 5 years ago. He was elected to the board the very month I was voted in as pastor and re-elected the year before last...
I may not have enough room on my blog to write out everything he does around this church!
He helped master-mind the sound system and now is in charge of it's continued use...
Cliff and Trudi graduated from Christian Life School and send their son, Ryan presently...
He helped master-mind the coffee shop and now is in charge of it's continued use...
I'm starting to wonder how one gentleman can do all he does around here?
What a blessing the Leideckers are to our CHURCH!

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