Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stewardship Seminar, Bob Rufe

This morning's Celebration Service was so good!
Passionate Prayer, Powerful Word, Ardent Worship and Meaningful Relationships...

Here's some notes I took while Bob was speaking on TRUSTING GOD:
(remember he is available the next few days for personal, confidential appointments)

Matthew 13 (Parable of the Sower)
Kingdom Living, Overcoming Fear, Enduring Financial Hardship

The 4 soils are not just 4 people, more complex
~Hard Heart
~Superficial Heart
~Divided, Compromising, Fearful Heart
~Good, Receptive Heart

Attitude is Everything!
God Owns it all...we are but Stewards!

Do we really Believe?
Prov. 3:9,10; Eph. 2:4; James 3:17; Mat. 13:22; 1Tim. 6:9,10

Don't want to minimize the anxiety of our present economic tide...
Man's view of money... Deceitfulness of Wealth... love of money... world's views very dangerous...

I wish I had copies of the videos Bob shared to put on my blog, very inspiring... And Bob's testimony was truly moving as well... I am so thankful for AG Financial and there generosity in sharing Bob with us this weekend...

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