Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thanks for the WONDERFUL surprise!

Ya'll BLESSED your pastor tonight!
I had a few clues that something was in the works...
Melisma told Holly and I that we were going out to dinner with her on Feb. 7, 3 weeks ago...
Everybody was whispering behind my back while we were moving the Peter's stuff today...
Rusty and Buzz started to give it away with some funny phone calls...
My favorite part was pulling up to the church (Melisma told us she left her purse at the church) and Kirkwood Hall was filled with people sitting in the dark ready to shout SURPRISE!
My 5th anniversary as your Senior Pastor was very special!
Ya'll made my favorite food, the Mexican food potluck was perfect and very yummy!
And I was a little red-faced by the time the "poem lady" was done, BUT I loved it!
Thanks again for all the hard work...
Holly, Nathaniel and I love ya'll so much!
(sorry I don't have pictures to put on the blog, it was a surprise so I didn't have my camera)

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